Climate Change

Earth Day 2019

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In the past year, WiRED International has posted a half-dozen Web stories about the environment and climate change. We raise the subject in editorials, descriptions of our programs and in articles submitted by contributing writers. A good friend wrote recently telling me that he likes WiRED’s work on community health education, but he thinks our pieces on climate change and the environment are off the mark. In his polite and thoughtful way, he said, stay in your lane — which is health education.

Climate Change

WiRED Notes National Public Health Week

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The American Public Health Association (APHA) created National Public Health Week to promote important public health ideas, contributions and issues. This year, APHA will focus on six public health topics: (1) healthy communities, (2) violence prevention, (3) rural health, (4) technology and public health, (5) climate change, and (6) global health. Four of these themes touch on WiRED International’s mission to bring free health learning education to underserved communities worldwide.

Climate Change

A Climate Change Perspective … from Generation Z

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My name is Olivia Spirito. I am presently a senior in high school, and I am a volunteer at WiRED. I believe that climate change is putting my generation and future generations at risk. Weather-related threats such as floods, hurricanes, droughts and forest fires will cause environments to become inhospitable. The lives of people who survived the recent forest fires in California (November 2018), the destructive Alabama tornado (March 2019) and the current raging flood in Afghanistan have been drastically changed forever. It is my hope that I and my future family will have a chance to live comfortably without the fear of uncontrollable factors like these catastrophic events.