Global Health

Americans Celebrate July 4th as COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Rise

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On July 4th, WiRED International’s volunteers and board celebrate along with millions of other Americans who have been fortunate enough to get their COVID-19 shots, and are now free from most restrictions faced last year at this time. We are reminded, however, that people in most of the countries we serve are still waiting for an opportunity to receive their shots, avoid the infection and get back to a normal life.

Global Health

Opening of WiRED International Center for Community and Global Health

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WiRED International is pleased to announce the establishment of the WiRED International Center for Community and Global Health at Claremont Graduate University (CGU). The WiRED Center is affiliated with CGU’s School of Community & Global Health (SCGH).

CGU President Len Jessup, Ph.D., said, “Our WiRED Center provides CGU students and faculty with incredible, unparalleled opportunities in global and community health all around the world, and WiRED’s expertise and programs have been vital during the pandemic in particular.”

Global Health

WiRED and UNODC Share Links to Their Educational Resources

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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), recognizing the health value of WiRED training material, is linking to WiRED International’s website and to WiRED’s web-based health education programs. In addition, UNODC will provide periodic newsletters announcing WiRED’s programs and new training modules. WiRED, in turn, will provide its readers and followers with updates on the UNODC drug prevention programs. Drug use and addiction have become global health problems, and WiRED recognizes the value of UNODC’s approach to educating people about the dangers of illegal drug use and possible strategies for addiction prevention.

Global Health

WiRED COVID-19 Education in Armenia

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All over the world, WiRED International is providing free-access education about COVID-19 to organizations, schools, students and healthcare professionals via our module series — The Coronavirus Threat: Key Topics in Infection Control.

According to the World Health Organization, from January 3 to May 18. 2021, there have been 221,139 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Armenia and 4,346 confirmed deaths. Out of a population of 2,968,096 as of May 18, only 565 vaccine doses have been administered. This stunning statistic underlines the enormous issue of vaccine inequality.

Global Health

WiRED Granted Membership in OAS Permanent Council of Civil Societies

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WiRED International is pleased to announce acceptance into the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of the Organization of American States (OAS).

WiRED Executive Director Gary Selnow, Ph.D., said, “As a recognized CSO, WiRED hopes to expand our work in Central and South America and the Caribbean. We believe that our educational programs, serving Latin America for more than 20 years, can grow as a critical element to improve the health and well-being of populations in this region. During our years on the ground with our valued partners in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru and Brazil, we have developed and run education programs that have provided a solid foundation on which people can make wise decisions and contribute to their disease prevention behaviors and improved health.”

Community Health Worker Related

WiRED’s Community Health Workers Report from Kenya

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WiRED International’s corps of trained community health workers (CHWs) continue to deliver vital healthcare services in Kisumu, Kenya, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

During three weeks in March, 12 CHWs reached 4,533 people with basic clinical services, health education and health surveillance. The CHWs were not able to assist as many people as is usual in a month because all 12 workers also completed WiRED’s Vaccinator Training Program (VTP).

Climate Change

Earth Day 2021

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The COVID-19 pandemic cruelly demonstrates the vulnerability of human life and how our actions can impact the health of others. Earth Day gives us the opportunity to think about how the health of people and animals is closely linked with the changing climate and intensifying environmental conditions.

Exactly how do climate change and the environment relate to our health?

Global Health

COVID-19 Update

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WiRED International’s Vaccinator Training Program is firing up in Kenya and Peru, and articles will appear soon chronicling its progress. In the meantime, here are some recent updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and the rush to get populations vaccinated as cases rise worldwide.

Scientists expect viruses to keep mutating; sometimes they emerge and disappear and sometimes they emerge and persist. Multiple COVID-19 variants are circulating globally, and CDC is monitoring these variants per the following classifications:

• Variant of interest
• Variant of concern
• Variant of high consequence